Thursday 10 January 2013

THE TwinsOfFaith

Tanggal 29&30 December yang lepas..Alhamdulillah sampai juga kami di UFO-looking building PICC, Putrajaya for the most awaited event to end magnificent 2012 which is Twins Of Faith - Family Festival 2012. Yeay \0/~~Despite banjir sana sini, jalan tutup sana sini and even my mate to TOF whom house has flooded, still we managed to get there when Allah permitted it :).

Well, I have strong believe that He will ease our way whenever we want to do good in the path of Him. Sungguh, ada sekali I want to attend a course in KL, but still could not find anybody to accompany, so I started thinking "camne nih..nanti event habis mlm nk check-in hotel sorang2, dahla taktau sgt jalan kat KL, takut jugak nak jalan dari parking ke lobby.."and on..and on..only worst thing came into my mind. But in the next second, I just cut it all off my mind. I just tell myself that I want this badly, and I want to go because of Allah, when Allah wants to protect me, nobody else can ever harm me then.

Surprisingly, this ex-schoolmate of mine yang we don't really keep in touch all this while tiba2 call, and tanya bila nak pegi KL (I knew she will be attending this course too, but I don't really know her whereabout). Rupa2nya she stays in Kemaman only. Alhamdulillah..He is the Greatest. He sent me a companion out of the blue.A companion that stays throughout the next different courses till now! 

Off topic pulak eik..hihi...I'm just so thankful for every blessing that He has granted and for so many times He has eased my way in anything I do. Alhamdulillah..Ok2, Sila kembali ke pangkal topic yea... :p

Haa..inilah dia awek2 yang sentiasa temankan saya ke majlis2 ilmu for several courses already. Ahli yang terbaru adalah cik Maizura. Welcome to the club Maiiii~~!!! More new members are welcomed..No limitation for registration, free membership for a lifetime..boleh jadi kaya pulak tu (kaya??)..Yerpp..InsyaAllah kaya di Jannah :) Sungguh, saya sayang these beautiful ladies kerana Allah...Insyaa Allah, saya mengharapkan lebih banyak lagi pertemuan dan perpisahan keranaNya..Keep on showering each other with du'a girlss.. I'm so blessed that we are reunited this way :)

Ada apa la sangat dengan TwinsOfFath ni?
Jap2, first thing first..tau tak apa maksud Twins of Faith tu? It simply means Ilmu + Amal. Kalau awak terel awak boleh nampak ejaan kedua-duanya dalam Arabic dekat simbol di bawah :).
Haa, seminar kali ini mendapat liputan daripada slot Raudhah, TV9. Ada nampak muka saya tak?manala tau kannn :D

Ada baanyak sangat aktiviti dalam seminar 2 hari ini. Hampir kesemua dewan besar dan dewan kecik di PICC yang besar ini digunakan. Seperti dalam gambar di bawah, there are 10 corners with various activities almost at the same time. This means some topics that we were interested in were clashed with other interesting activities or topics in another venue.
Memang peninglah haii..If pilih nak ke Main Hall, terlepas Workshop..if pilih Workshop terlepas marriage corner..If pilih marriage corner terlepas Omar Regan..hehehe

Ada baanyak interesting topics by respected speakers. Salah satu yang sangat menyentuh hati saya ialah yg bertajuk 'A Day in Paradise' by my fav speaker : Sh. Tawfique. Oh how I pray we will be neighbours in Jannah. Aaameen :) And also 'My Big Fat Sunnah Wedding' by  Dr. Love : Sh. Daood Butt... :p

Sungguh..dah byk kali rotate, tapi jadi mcm ni jugakk

But above all, what amazed me the most, what made me keep thinking throughout the event is that MasyaaAllah all this converts. They are just amazing Muslim Brothers and Sisters..For example, Brother Yusha Evans..he is just 6 or 7 years old in Islam but yet he has done so much more than myself who has been in Islam for almost 30 years...and also Sh. Abdurraheem Green, he is so in love in his Da'wah  almost his entire life after receiving Islam for Da'wah. These people..they seem unstoppable..they don't care what other people may think or say for this must be for the strong love for Islam that beats em all.

I just feel inferior or in a better proper word-shameful maybe? when thinking of what have I done as a Muslim since born for the religion..for the ummah..So many excuses..too much fear and laziness..Astaghfirullah..

Last but not least..nampak banyak juga artis2  tanahair kita ni dekat event ni macam Afdlin Shauki yang nampaknya terinspired dengan 'Halal Comedy' by Omar Regan. Nampak la jugak dia bergelak sakan masa tu..Cehh..sempat lagi stalk kan..hehe. 

Lagi, nampak Ally Iskandar & Farah Lee yang mukanya macam kawan saya dlm gambar di atas tu.. Sama tak??Sama kann~~Nampak juga Kak Ezani Masterchef which is our senior in school tapi tak sempat tegur pun..And the most frequent public figure that I saw in almost all of the event/courses I attended is Sharifah Sofea yang cantik itu. Alhamdulillah, she is so consistent and persistent in her changes. Pls, make du'a for them too..

So, till then tentang TwinsOfFaith ini. FYI, this is an annual conference.
I'm already looking forward for 2013's. Selalunya memang in December. Harapannya dapat enjoy ke 'taman syurga' dengan lebih ramai kawan-kawan pada tahun ini nanti. InsyaaAllah.

Dalam sebuah hadith yang diriwayatkan oleh Tabrani, Rasulullah saw bersabda, "Apabila melewati taman syurga, hendaklah engkau duduk di situ. Istirahatlah kamu di situ." Para sahabat bertanya, "Ya Rasulullah, apakah taman syurga itu?" Nabi menjawab, "Majlis-majlis ilmu."

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